Saturday, September 25, 2010

Love is in the air

Love, the most divine feeling that one possesses for another, is arguably the most important subject of film-making.

Just a thought - is Love actually the way it is portrayed in films? Do we feel the same things in real?

Is love in the air, water, and everything around us? Let's have a look.

You smile without any reason, and people label you mad!
You love Red - roses, dresses, etc.
You love dancing in the rain or under the shower!
When listening to romantic songs, you feel you're enjoying running around trees (which you used to detest while watching on screen)!
You wanna look your best to impress him/her every single day!
You love the candle light, the sound of waves, soft lilting music, violins & guitars...
You could dream all day long about that special someone, reaching distant places you'd never thought of going before.
You start liking stuff which you hated before, just 'cause he/she loves it.
You have sleepless nights atleast until you receive a call/msg from him/her.
You wanna share the same glass of juice or the same food plate.
You cant look in the eye & hide your feelings about that special person.
You could even run over fire to save that person!
You enjoy giving & a little appreciation.
You could even become a poet!
You fear nothing when that person is beside you.

Is this all natural? Or is it that it's all just filmy influence? I believe it's all real, and that's how it can be thought of and portrayed on screen! The excitement and dedication that comes out of love is beyond description!

At some point in time, we do wish our life was like that one particular couple on screen. If only things could be as easy, or as dreamy as theirs. But nothing comes easy in life. Gain comes with pain. To ignore the pain for a while, it's good to watch the romance in films and put yourself in their place. So let's enjoy love in real & in reel! :)