Friday, June 12, 2015

The Journey

Fifteen years ago, a friendship bloomed quite instantly between two young people who were quite different from each other, in terms of their upbringing, personalities, gender, ambitions, family backgrounds, cities they live in, food habits, and what not! Thanks to the web, it’s easier for people to communicate with anyone, anywhere and at any time! But who would’ve thought, two people completely unknown to each other, without any common links, could trust and understand each other, much more than their family and friends around them could! Despite staying so far away, the bond only grew stronger with time. The few times both traveled to see each other were exhilarating! Thirteen years of fun, sharing one’s happiness and sorrows, fighting like kids and then making up, playing pranks, celebrating occasions, display of emotions, revealing fears, guiding on what might be the right path, and so much more! They’ve had it all, that too mostly via the phone or the internet. And suddenly, they get married! Does this seem unreal? Yes! But it’s true! Sachin and I vow to love and stand by each other for lifetime, after 13 years of pure friendship! To learn and to accept each other as we are; to mould ourselves in little ways to form a perfect union. To do small things for each other, which bring a sparkle to the eye. To give a ear, to always be near, to catch a tear, to dissolve a fear. It’s two years since we’re married! We’ve kept to our vows. Love and trust just keeps growing by the day. Of course those small little hiccups have appeared now and then, which are very natural between two different people staying together; but that’s what enables us to realize even more how much we love and need each other to feel complete! As Sachin claims, “Marriage is a Learning License”, we learn the little things that keep the other happy, adjust with each other’s way of living, learn from our mistakes and try to avoid them again, and most importantly learn to forgive each other. Life is all about the present, living each day as it comes. The past serves as a lesson and brings back beautiful memories too, while the future gives us direction. Just like in school, we used to try working harder to get better results than of the previous term, similarly we have to keep growing as an individual and as a spouse for the better. These two years have given us a strong foundation upon which we can build a life full of love, trust, and happiness. It’s a new beginning, and I feel as excited as I was on the day I got married. Only this time, I’m more confident. I look at you and I know I’m loved, I love the way your arms get me crushed. The warmth you exude keeps me furred; I’ll live forever in your heart deeply immersed.

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