Tuesday, April 8, 2008

One for sorrow... Two for sorrow again :(

'She' was completely shaken by the twists and turns her life had just taken, and was just getting over them. New friends came along and new activities kept her engaged for sometime. But, as fate wanted it, another twist had made its way into her roller-coaster life.

A friend, whom she hardly knew for a few months, had suddenly become more than a friend! Things were absolutely normal between them, as with all friends, when suddenly a common friend of their's had told her that 'He' would be proposing her, to be his, the very next day! She was bewildered. She had no clue how to react! She liked him, but did she like him to that extent? Anyway, she stopped thinking about it till that moment came.

The next day, the three of them were out whiling away time. She was wondering if he's really gonna do it, and maybe He was wondering whether he should do it, while their friend was supposedly waiting for it to happen. Time was running out, she had to leave. At the last minute, before leaving, He gave her a strand of hair and left! She reached home and was still wondering what did that mean? She called him to find out. After testing her patience, he finally said that it was her hair, which he taken a month back from her, without her knowledge! He said that the way he had taken care of that hair-strand (which is really really difficult, believe me), the same way he would like to take care of her all her life!! Oh boy! She was awe-struck. She knew not what to say. He told her to take her time and to think about it. She did so.

She was in love with what he just did for her! But still, she wasn't too sure if she should give a positive reply. She wrote a poem for him, stating that she liked him, but couldn't say a YES as yet! He loved the poem, but believed that her response will be YES soon! And boy, wasn't he right!! It took hardly a few weeks for her to make up her mind. She believed he was her soul-mate. She could see his love for her and his loyalty too. He was different from other guys. The small things that he did for her, gave her immense pleasure. He had a charming personality and quite a grave voice. He was quite a serious person though, and very short-tempered. He wasn't easy to get along with, and wasn't jovial either. He had a few bad habits too, which he got rid off for her sake, and also 'cause now he longed for a healthy happy life.

Days passed by. They used to meet often. They were still in college then. They used to study together, watch movies together, cook and do what not! They went to amusement parks, along with other friends, sat on those crazy rides and enjoyed laughing all the way! She made him play Holi, and do other such things which he hadn't done ever before. They had a ball of a time for a few months.

Suddenly, time ceased to favour them. Her folks were sensing something wrong. She had to keep things low for the time being. She told him that she would not be meeting him often for a few weeks and they would have to keep all this low for a while, till her issues at home get settled. But alas! He failed to understand her. He felt that she was over him! He started avoiding her, and succumbed to loneliness. She tried her best to talk to him and explain things, in vain.

After a few days, it was his birthday. She called to wish him, but he never answered. She remembered him telling her that he would go to some distant place on his birthday, as he wanted no one around him. But still, she decided to take a chance. She went to his place, along with a friend, with a cake and gifts for him. She rang the doorbell. His best friend opened it, and was stunned to see her. He welcomed them in, hesitatingly. She lit up the cake and entered His room. What did she see? Lots of people, a movie on, all enjoying. He was even doing something which he had supposedly given up for her. She was happy that he was enjoying, but was sad that he had lied to her about wanting to be alone! Anyway, she asked him to cut the cake. Instead, he pushed the cake aside. He held her tight and screamed at her for coming there (the audience there enjoying the show). She was out of words. He then raised his hand, and before he could touch her, she bent down and ran out of his clutches. Her friend was shocked and scared to see that! They both quietly ran off from there, picking up the cake and gifts, and throwing them into the waste-bin on the road.

That was the end of that love-story. A few days later, he apologised for what he did, but she couldn't accept him back. Another thing that put them apart was over-possessiveness. He wanted her to be there always, but when she couldn't, due to valid reasons, he used to go wild. The only thing she feared was anger and ill-treatment (which she used to face at home), and that's what she encountered again, from the person she loved the most. Love didn't die, but she didn't long to be with him thereafter. Where there is lack of respect, even love cannot hold two souls together.

However, they still keep in touch, as they still care about each other... :)

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