Monday, April 28, 2008

Alone... Safe or Hazardous??

'She' was accustomed to doing almost everything that she likes, alone! Be it long drives, evening walks, shopping, sipping coffee at any cafe, or even staying at home - everything She could do alone.

Lately She developed the habit of going to the theatre alone, especially if it wasn't a movie her friends were interested in, or if She was watching the movie for a 2nd or 3rd time. This was not because She wanted to. She just had to! She cannot always depend on others to do anything that She wants to. At first, She was quite hesitant, thinking about what people would be thinking of her. But suddenly She became cool about it and gave a damn to what people thought! She knew people who watched movies alone and were content doing so!

Her first day alone at the theatre wasn't too smooth. She got to her seat, only to find some guys giggling away. One of them actually commented to the other "Why dont you go and give her company? She's all alone!" Yeah as if She needed someone to take care of her!! Anyway, She just concentrated on the movie thereafter, and didn't bother about the stares other people gave her. Once the movie was over, She was relaxed. She actually felt hardly any difference, 'cause anyway She doesn't talk to anyone during the movie. She kinda liked the experience and thought it's not that bad an idea after all! So this continued at regular intervals.

One day, She walked into the theatre which was housefull. Two girls sitting beside her were yapping away to glory, as if they had a non-stop talking contest going on. She was frustrated, but kept her cool and tried to enjoy the movie, which She was watching for the 2nd time. It was interval soon. She stood in the queue to get some pop corn to munch. She noticed a guy standing right next to her, who was in the next queue. She bought the pop corn, and coincidentally he bought one too! There was a counter with all the spices kept in different containers, which one could add according to one's taste. As She was adding each flavour, the guy was adding the same one by one! Arghhh! She wanted to question him, but then She just ignored it then. The movie resumed. The guy seemed to be staring at her right till the end.

While walking out after the movie ended, She noticed he was walking quite close to her. He kept an eye on her right till She got into her car. She noticed him waiting outside the gate on his bike, and he was looking at her. Wondering what to do, She thought it wasn't safe to drive back home, 'cause then he would know where She lives. So She took the other way and drove slowly. But he drove slower and stayed behind her, following her. Many diversions came on the way. She tried to confuse him by going left and right, but it didn't seem to work. He was right there! So She called up her friend and asked him to wait just outside his house. She thought atleast this way the guy would finally get away. And thats exactly what happened! She reached her friend's place. The guy came right till there, and on seeing her friend, he turned away. Phew! Guys I tell you... What do they gain by following girls? There's no way a girl can fall for such guys, if that's what they're thinking... It's absolutely sick.

She even thought of complaining to the cops, but She didn't find anyone around; nor was She sure that's the right thing to do, as She didn't want to make a big issue out of this. Now She's being advised not to go for movies alone hereafter, but should one such experience really blow up her confidence??? Something to think about... I think She's pretty strong!

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