Sunday, July 6, 2008

An Unusual Sunday...

My friends and i had just arrived at the airport after a great trip to some adventurous place. I suddenly out of nowhere hear a song (tune actually), none other than "Saanson ko saanson mein dhalne do zara..."! :O Wondering where that came from, I suddenly opened my eyes and realised I was dreaming and my mobile phone had rung!! It was the phone which was assigned for matrimony purpose. I saw 2 missed calls and looked at the time. It was just 7a.m. Why on earth do people call at such odd hours, that too on a Sunday?!? :x

I lay down trying to get back to sleep, but I heard the tune again. I ignored it twice. It rang again, and this time I answered the call. The guy over the phone must have found me so sleepy that he disconnected just after I said a hello! Thanking my stars, I again lay down. I guess it was too early to thank them :O The phone rang again and the guy speaks in Tamil. I was like &*^$%&%$R :x and hung up! But he called back again. This time I let him speak a few words and then asked him "Do you know English?" He said no and continued in Tamil. I then said "I dont know Tamil" even though I knew, and hung up again. Thankfully he didnt call back again. Idiot! :x Cant he see that we've asked for a Punjabi groom :P Even if not Punjabi, he should atleast know English!

I barely kept that one down, another call came in. This time someone from Kerala, Punjabi though, called in and I asked him to email his details. Another 2 minutes and I get to attend another call, someone from Chennai. So basically receiving one call after the other is what I was doing till about 12:30 p.m. I decided to go out for lunch to get away from all this. I left home by 2 p.m. and I did carry the mobile along too. Calls kept coming in, but I didnt receive any as there was too much noise around. Finally after a long chat with my friends, I reached home at 6 p.m. I then took the mobile and went for a walk, calling back all those numbers I missed. Finally by 7 p.m. calls had ceased to come and I felt a bit relieved. Phew! :P

Let me describe a few of them here.

A lady had called from Dehradun looking for a match for her son. She said they are settled in Dubai and are looking for a Punjabi girl from the West or the South as these girls seem to be more decent, trustworthy and educated :P I was like... Wow! She then asked me if I'm interested in settling in Dubai, to which I said I would have to discuss with my father about it. She kept talking non-stop about her family and about how problems arise and we should not get boggled down by all that. Yeah right! :P She finally paused, and I said I will ask my father to call you back, Thank You! :P

A guy had called up from Bhubhaneshwar, Orissa (the place I simply hate the most). He asked me a bit about myself and then asked if I'm on Orkut! I said a NO! I sounded completely disinterested, but he still said he would e-mail me his details. As if I care! Duh!!!

I spoke to a girl from Himachal Pradesh who was looking for a groom. I was looking for my brother as well. I got out a few details from her. She sounded pretty sweet. She spoke very gently, thinking i was an elderly person. After a while, I told her I'm the guy's younger sister and she was all cool then. Man! Age does matter! :P I anyway told her I'll talk to my brother about her and get back then.

P.S. All calls were in response to an advertisement given by dad in the newspaper. I had never thought I would attend non-stop calls in a day, about 50-60 atleast. Speaking to so many strangers at one go, was one thing I never imagined doing! :O But I guess, time teaches you everything. I suddenly could speak like a shy bride, or an easy-going sister-in-law :D The word I used the most was "Haanji!" I guess that would become a part of my day-to-day language soon :P

This day has truly been one of the most interesting days of my life! :)

One problem I'm facing now is that I can still hear "Saanson ko saanson mein dhalne do zara..." ring in my ears, even though the phone is off since hours! I hope I have a good sleep and wake up completely normal tomorrow. :)

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