Sunday, July 13, 2008

One Night to Remember!

12th July, 2008 - the one day/night I can never forget! :)

I decided to spend an entire day out in Mumbai with my friends D, R, H, S, P and T. R picked me up and we headed straight to the point where others were waiting for us, which was at the other end of the city. A long ride in the rickshaw seemed to be even longer, as we both remained quiet for some reason. Finally we reached the spot, and greeted everyone. It was great to meet everyone, few after a gap of 6 months, while the rest for the 1st time! We then set off to Nirmal Lifestyle Mall where we planned to watch a film and then just roam around.

On reaching the mall, we quickly booked the tickets for the film "Jaane tu.. Ya Jaane Na..." and then took a few pictures of everyone standing beside film posters. That was fun! Later we entered Crossword to just check out a few books and cds. We still had a few minutes to go before the movie started, so we just entered McDonalds to have a quick bite. Hmmm.... Yummmm.... :P I really miss that back in Chennai! We then headed straight into the hall, right on time for the movie! It was quite nice. This was the 1st time we were all watching a movie together, so it really is special :)

Next we headed to Yeour, a nice calm place with a lake side view, right at the bottom of a hill. A quick passing shower increased the beauty of the place. We were just planning about our Club meet the next day.

Later we got into the car and headed straight to Gymkhana Club, where we decided to have a good long chat and some dinner too. The journey to the club was amazing, with all of us singing our favourite songs in chorus, especially the rain numbers! On reaching the club, we made ourselves comfortable in the room and then got into the REAL mood. We played the TRUTH game. H was attacked first with all personal questions, which he answered pretty honestly, though now he might be feeling that he should have restricted himself a bit :P Finally we all got to answer similar questions, but none seemed more interesting than H's :D

R then put forth a new question to all of us - "Which was the worst moment of your life?" Everyone thought for a few seconds. D began with his account, and believe it or not, it just melted everyone's heart instantly, including the guys who seemed to appear strong from the outside. S then gave a detailed account of his, which touched everyone, especially H, as he felt the same too. Everyone's eyes were leaking! A sight never seen before, I guess by any of us. It was truly magical! The way we all connected with each other and literally cried for each other... it was really something special!

Hesitating to speak out freely, I just kept quiet while tears rolled down my eyes. Most of them knew about some of my worst moments anyway, so I just preferred to keep it off then. Later R talked about his life. A heartbreak may seem to be a common thing for many, but it truly is one of the worst things that can happen to someone. Being truly in love with a person and then getting kicked out, even after you have given up everything for that person, is like going through hell. I couldn't bear to see R's tears as I know how it feels :(

R also explained why he kept away from me for a few months, while I was busy trying to reach back to him. The reason he gave was quite unexpected, and it just struck my heart then, as someone really cared for me so much. I just stepped into the balcony, wanting to weep alone for a few minutes, but then that couldn't happen with so many people around who care for me. It was truly amazing to see that attachment.

P was very quiet all the while, but his face revealed that he had some problems too, which maybe he didn't want to talk about at that moment. T was just too moved by everyone's life and couldn't talk much.

Everyone has problems in life. We always think that "I am facing the biggest problem in life." But that night we realised that everyone has different problems, which cannot be said to be bigger or smaller. It's just the way you fight it out. If you are scared to face it, it only gets worse. But it was great to hear everyone taking up their problem as a challenge and crushing it down.

Finally we wiped our tears, and decided to have dinner, which we kept waiting for more than 2 hours! Even after dinner, we continued talking about our life. Slowly, one by one, we started feeling sleepy. D and H decided to leave back home and work on the meet for the next morning. S, R and I slept there for a while and left early morning back to our places. T and P were peacefully asleep.

I just wanted that night to go on and on... It brought all of us closer than we could ever imagine. I've never before seen a guy crying over another guy's problem. It was difficult to stop everyone's tears, as we were doing the same ourselves! But letting go whatever was within us, was good and much needed.

Friends we may have plenty, but those who can really feel what we're going through and who we really are, are rare to find these days. I'm glad I found some, and I wish to keep them forever! Love you guys... :)

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