Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Friend's Wedding in... Tirupur!

It was announced a few months back, that my friend Nisha would tie the knot with Mayur on 17th April, 2009. I was damn excited for her, at the same time I had this grief within me that she was going far away from me. She was the last one before me to get married - those among my school mates. I started feeling lonely even before she left. But I still tried to enjoy my last few days with her to the maximum.

Time flies so fast! It was 15th April already! I'd gone to her house in the morning for Mehendi. I got some beautiful designs on my hands and then was watching Nisha get her's done. It was then we both realised that this is it! The days of fun n frolic, giggles and tears, stupid little fights, regular lunch and dinner outside, coffee and cakes, have ended. Though we may have that in future too, but there would still be some reservations. I just gave her a hug, thinking it would be the last time I could actually give her 'cause she would get busy once the functions begin, and then went home.

That night, I had to leave for Tirupur by train, with Nisha's family and friends. Nisha would be reaching there directly the next morning with her dad. So for company, I had Sudha and Manju. We took our respective places in the train. I was so damn excited to be in a train after over 10 years!!! I just wanted to sit and talk away all night. But I missed Nisha alot :( It would have been great fun with her. But anyway, Sudha, Manju and I tried to keep the conversation going, while Nisha's relatives kept popping in with some snacks every few minutes. We were hungry, but still denied them. Later when all others were asleep, we climbed to the top berth (that was a tough task for me - I forgot how to climb up!!) :D I took out my pkt of Lays and we started munching silently on the wafers while talking. Soon, we decided to sleep 'cause the next day might be too tiring.

In about 3 hours, we'd been woken up as the train was about to arrive at Tirupur station. We reached there and headed straight towards the hotel where all the guests would be staying. I met Varun, Mayur's friend, over there, who was taking care of the guests. He was the only person I knew there, besides Nisha's family. In a few minutes, we were allotted our room. We 3 had just hit the bed, when we again started feeling hungry. Sudha exclaimed "I feel like eating Chicken legs!!!" We roared in laughter!! :D Chicken legs at 6am?!? Never heard that before. :D

After an hour, Nisha's friend Navya had arrived from Bangalore. She joined us in the room. Soon, Nisha gave us a call asking us to get ready and meet her in 2 hours from then. So one by one, we got ready and went to meet the bride.

There was a function around 12pm, before which we had some time to spend with Nisha. She was all excited, not realising that she was actually gonna leave us all soon. After the function, we all had lunch together and then went to get some rest. In the evening there was the Sangeet function. So by 5 we all got ready. Nisha was looking great, but really different than her usual self! The programme was a visual treat with family members and friends from both sides dancing to Bollywood tunes. By this time, Diana and her husband had also joined us. Later we all had dinner together. It was kind of Nisha's mom to join us at the table :) I had a short 'n' sweet chat with Varun too and got introduced to his sister as well. Mayur jiju was too occupied. Couldn't have a word even with him. We got back to our rooms.

I was just about to fall asleep, when Nisha called and asked me to stay in her room that night. We spoke alot about our past and also thought about the future. She was really worried then, as she finally realised that she was getting married! How would it be at her new home? Would her in-laws love her as much? Would she be able to live upto their expectations? These questions linger in the mind of every girl who has to step into a new home some day or the other in her life. It was tough. We finally slept after all the discussion.

The next morning I woke up early. But Nisha wanted to sleep more and tried to get me to do that too. By 9 we were out of the bed. I was about to go back to my room, when Nisha had been told to get ready for the function immediately. So i waited till she got ready. Diana called up to say that Manju wasn't keeping well and they wouldn't join us in the morning. Sudha and Navya came there, and then the 3 of us went to have breakfast, while Nisha was busy in the function. Then we got back to our room again. I got ready and then we went back to the hall. Soon, it was lunch time. We hogged and then went along with Nisha to her room. We were trying to relaxe, but again Nisha had to leave for her make-up, as she had just 2 hours in hand to get ready for the big moment! So we got going too. After a short nap, we all got ready and by 7 we left for the venue.

The Reception began by 8pm. We were just sitting and gazing at the couple, and at times looking here and there as well :) We just wished someone would come and speak to us or get us introduced to more people, as the 3 of us didn't have much to talk about. Varun kept checking on us though :P He even managed to get me introduced to his mom. Diana and Manju also joined us soon. We then went to have dinner. Later the couple and their relatives had dinner, after which the marriage ceremony began. That was around 1am. It went on till about 3am, after which we got to spend our last few moments with Nisha. She was in tears :( While trying to pacify her, our tears began to flow too :( By 4am it was time for her Bidaai. I was hoping for one last hug, but that couldn't happen :( We could just see her move away from us in the car :(

We got back to the hotel and had no time to rest. We had to pack up our bags as we had to leave for the station immediately. Bidding farewell to everyone, we set off from there. There was still some time to go before we got into the train. Varun landed up there and gave us company. He scared the hell out of Sudha by his sudden appearance :P

Well, that was it! We got into the train and immediately went to sleep. After about 3 hours we woke up and had lunch. We had a long chat and finally arrived at Chennai station!

I was happy to be back home, but sad that I had left behind someone close to me... Anyway, whatever happens is for good :) Hope Nisha has a great life ahead, and yeah, hope she never forgets me! :)