Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Believe no one, but yourself...!! Or get... Duped!!

May 18, 2009

I received a mail in response to the advt. I'd given in the paper, in the matrimonial section. The boy's profile was impressive, and so was his outer appearance in the photograph attached. He was a Pilot by profession, while his dad was an ex-Army Officer. His mom had expired a few years ago. His twin sister was married and settled in the US. The mail gave me an impression that this is the kind of family I was looking for - cultured, and loving. So without any hesitation, I sent them my profile too.

Within a few hours, my father received a mail from them stating that they liked my profile and would like to communicate further. My dad replied to the mail providing his contact no. therein. A few minutes later, my dad received a call from the boy's dad, who asked if his son could directly talk to me first, before the parents start discussing things. So my father said okay and then called and told me about it. I was at a friend's place then. Just a few minutes passed by, and my phone rang again! This time it was the boy himself! He introduced himself. I was impressed by the way he spoke, but I was also wondering if he was the show-off type, because of his accent.

Then came the biggest shock of my life - He said his grandfather was the very own brother of our Bollywood actor Prithviraj Kapoor!! Which meant that this guy was Kareena & Karisma Kapoor's cousin! I was dumbstruck! I kept rather quiet. I was excited from within, but more than that, I was wondering if this was really true! I was thinking if this guy is really who he claims to be, why would he be calling me at all? There are so many girls out there, those of his league! Then why me? So I bluntly asked him that. He said he didnt want anyone from the industry. He was looking for a more simple and down-to-earth person. His words were a bit convincing, but I still couldn't believe him completely. He said that he owned a house in Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Chandigarh. He mentioned that Sachin Tendulkar was his good friend as they stayed in the same building in Mumbai! I just kept listening as if he were telling me some story. After about half an hour, I hung up saying I had to head back home. He said he would mail me a few more pictures of himself and his family.

I rushed back home. I barely reached and he called me back again to ask if I had checked the pictures. I checked them then. He had sent his grandfather's, dad's, mom's, sister's and dogs' pictures, along with a childhood picture of himself. He spoke quite alot about his family and about his interests. He even sang to me some old classic songs! I was indeed flattered, and started believing he was the man of my dreams!! At the same time I feared I wouldn't fit into his family. I never wanted to be a part of a very wealthy family. Just a comfortable living, bound by love and trust, is all I want. I even said this to him. But he shut me up by saying that I am wealth myself, into which ever family I go! Oh man! His words were like arrows straight to my heart! He mentioned that his dad had got our horoscopes matched, which was 27/36. That was quite good. Well then he asked me to send a few pictures of mine in western wear, which I'd obliged to with immediate effect.

May 19, 2009

I got a call from him in the morning. We spoke a bit. He then mailed me his Pune bungalow's pictures. They were amazing, but I still doubted if all this was real. A little while later he called me again. He spoke about his work routine. He would be flying to Dubai, London and New York at regular intervals. I, if things clicked, would have to accompany him atleast for 1 year after marriage, after which I could decide whether to fly with him or stay back home. He spoke romantically and also dragged me into romantic situations. He spoke about his ideal Honeymoon destination. Oh it all seemed too sweet to be true!!!

That day I even got to speak to his dad, who seemed rather strict, yet the fun type. He said that he had already accepted me as his daughter, whether or not I marry his son. If I do join their family, I would have to plan conspiracies with him against his son to make a fool out of him. All this sounded so much fun.

The guy then told me he would be flying again after 3 days. So most probably once he's back, after a week or so, we could meet up. I told him to let our parents talk and decide the date. Suddenly that evening he called up again and said that they want to meet up after 2 days, before he could fly! His dad spoke to my dad about it and it was confirmed. They were coming to Chennai to meet us on 22nd May! After which, if all was fine, we would have to go to Pune to their place.

This was the first day of my life I stepped into a gym! I wanted to be in good shape when I meet him. Yeah it was quite late, but I still made the effort.

I was too nervous. All this was happening too fast! Yes I did speak alot to the guy. But was meeting so soon necessary? Why did he suddenly change it to this week from the next? I was lost in wonderland. That night, I made my brother also talk to him on the phone, just casually.

May 20, 2009

That morning I got a call from him. He told me that the astrologer had asked them to do a havan before the boy could meet me, so that some baadha could be removed. He said that we would have twins and 1 of them would die. So for that havan, both families needed to contribute money. His dad asked me to send some money through the bank. Most importantly, he asked me not to tell dad about it then. He would tell my dad himself the day we all meet. I was confused. They're asking for money, and they dont want me to tell dad. But then the amount was relatively small, so it shouldn't be a fraud case. I was wondering if they were really doing a havan, or were they just trying to see how responsible I am, if I could do something on my own. With alot of confusion and hesitation, I went to the bank and transferred 1.6k in the name of that astrologer. This was the first time ever I went into a bank alone! I knew not how to go about it. With the help of my friend over the phone, I somehow managed to complete the transaction. It was quite easy though.

I then went to meet my aunt. I was telling her about the guy, when again he called. I made him speak to her too. They spoke as if they knew each other for long. She was really impressed too by the way he spoke; how cultured and religious he seemed, at such a young age. Aunty was so happy for me that I might have just found the best guy! But at the same time she felt sad about me going to leave her soon. She already was upset about the fact that her son was leaving that weekend to another city for higher studies.

Back home, I started getting the house in shape, leaving no mess around. My dad called me up later and said that my uncle from Bangalore would be coming here the next day, so that he too can come with us to see the guy. I was really happy about that.

I visited the gym in the evening. I spoke to the guy again that night. I told him I had no idea about the rituals and customs. He explained to me everything that I needed to know at that moment. I was happy that he could understand that without my mother around, it was tough for me. He suddenly surprised me by saying that even his sister and her husband would be coming here to meet me, all the way from the US! It was hard to believe!!

May 21, 2009

Just 1 more day to go! I woke up early and went to the gym. Then I went to the parlour to get my face glowing, something I never did before in my life! Got my hair all set too. I then received a call from my dad, who gave me another shocking news. He said that he just got our horoscope checked from his astrologer, who said that this marriage is not preferable! It showed just 12/36 gunas matching. Dad was wondering if they had lied to us. I was again confused, what to believe and what not to! Praise God! What do i do now?? My head was bursting. My mind wasn't at peace. I told my brother and aunty about this. They got it checked with their astrologers, and both were negative again! By the time I reached home, I was devoid of any excitement. My servants were engaged in cleaning the house. I'd even got some new furnishings that morning. It all seemed unworthy suddenly.

All this while, I was having that guilt of not telling my dad about the money I sent them. I suddenly called up my aunt in the evening and told her about it. She advised me to tell dad about it immediately, as it would be better for him to know it through me, rather than them. After all, he's my dad, and they're still just strangers.

The boy's dad suddenly called me up in the afternoon and asked me why my dad isn't calling him up to talk, or rather not showing any interest. I said he might have been occupied with something else. He told me to ask dad to call him after 5pm. So I told dad about it. Around 5pm dad called up, but there was no answer. A few minutes later, the guy called me up. He said that their flight would depart at 8:30pm from Delhi. He then made me speak to his sister over the phone. We spoke pretty casually. Suddenly she laughed at some joke. I realised it was exactly the same as the guy's laugh! I exclaimed that I have a doubt! The guy asked me what it was, and I bluntly said that "I doubt you were pretending to be your sister!" He was quite wild at that. He said he would talk to me later. It seemed to me as if he was actually caught! Oh yeah, he said that he got a call from his dad who said that he was busy in a meeting and would call my dad back later.

It was already 8:30pm. No call from the boy, nor his dad. I finally dialed his no. around 8:40pm. It was ringing. I was wondering if he's on the flight, is it possible for the mobile to be switched on? I doubted it.

That night, dad came home with uncle. We sat down and had a long discussion about the whole thing, which lasted for about 3 hours. We spoke about how my life would be if I got into their family, and guess what! We were only talking of everything that could possibly go wrong there! We could hardly think of anything good! I was totally demoralised. My aunt called up then. She said she wished she could come with me to see the guy, but then she had to leave at the very same time to see off her son. I said it was absolutely okay and that her son was more important then.

We then sat down to dinner. I just swallowed up some food forcibly. We again sat down to talk. I then finally gathered guts to tell dad about the money factor. I told them all and they were completely zapped!! Dad was furious with me. He said that there's no way I could go and meet the guy. Only dad and uncle would go and meet them. How could they even ask me to do something like that? That's exactly what even I thought earlier, but still I did that stupid act. Anyway, I was kinda happy that I didnt have to go in front of the guy. I couldn't sleep all night though, out of guilt. Why did I have to do what they asked me to, when they were still strangers?!?

May 22, 2009

The day had arrived. Dad went to office as usual in the morning. Uncle, bro and I were just sitting and talking. We were expecting a call from them, but there wasn't any! I was growing curious by the minute! "Why didnt they call yet? Have they come here or not? Did they take the flight or not? Are they waiting for us to call them?" Oh I was just so restless!! The whole day just passed by without any signs of them. We finally understood that they were nothing but cheats! If they weren't, atleast they would've called and said that they weren't coming or they weren't interested or whatever it was. But no!!

I couldn't believe that they would play with a girl's emotions just for 1.6k bucks!!! That too with a girl who's looking for her life-partner! How easy is it for a person to take advantage of that fact! How easy it is for someone to make a fool out of another! I still wonder, all those sweet talks were worth 1.6k bucks for him??? For me they were worth my life!!! my dreams!!!

There's no way I can trust anyone now. I dont even trust the people I know now, forget about strangers!!! What's this world coming to?? Evil prevails everywhere...!!! How could any angel survive here???

There's no place for innocence in this world!! You need to be clever, mean and selfish to exist here!!! Listen to your conscience. Do what brings good to you, not to others! (I cant believe I'm saying this!)

The worst part - me being a big Bollywood Freak, I see Kareena and Karisma on-screen so often, but now on seeing them I only think of this guy!!! On seeing any pilot or aircraft, I only think of this guy!!! I wish someday I can forget about this whole incident completely, but at the same time I dont want to forget it, as it's taught me a good lesson!!!


SANSKAAR said...

i would say one thing DONT GET EXCITED BEFORE THINGS COME IN YOUR FAVOUR..today as u said world is very selfish...pls take this advice of mine.

Napster_Pameer said...

all I know is that life has funny game planned for us. and I would like to tell you only one thin.listen to your heart when it is required to but not always.this world is a mean place but that doesn't mean that you cannot survive it..wait for the right moment and the right time and all shall fall in your favout