Sunday, March 9, 2008

How could I "Screw it up" ?!?

College days have been few of the most memorable days of most people's lives, more for good reasons. But I have one such experience which makes the same days memorable for the wrong reason.

Our college was about to launch it's own radio channel on air. Few classes were selected, where all students had to form groups and write up programmes with the appropriate timing, description and the title. Fortunately or unfortunately, my class was selected too. We formed our groups, and I was part of one of the most naughtiest gangs in class! The word 'naughty' was just the opposite of what I was though.

So we had about 40 minutes to write the whole thing. I was chosen to write down whatever was discussed, as people consider my handwriting to be very good. So we discussed, and I, hardly giving any input as usual, was writing down everything. Soon, the time was up and we had to submit our papers. But we hadn't thought of a title yet!! So all had brainstormed and brought out weird titles. Finally someone said "Screw it up" it is! All agreed thinking it did suit the programme, and somehow, without giving it another thought, I merely wrote it down on the paper.

Few months passed, it was the final year of college, when suddenly one day the Head of our Department walked into class and called me outside. All were wondering what's goin on. And here I was, standing outside, being yelled at! I was blamed for writing that title, for having thought of screwing up the Radio channel!! I was in a state of shock and tried explaining that it wasn't my idea at all. I have never used the term "Screw it up" ever in my life. It just does not exist in my vocabulary. But no one would understand, and I stood there just shedding away tears. I apologised repeatedly, but in vain.

I then got to hear from them that I was the only student who was so good-natured, and now I had also joined the 'rowdy' gang! I was told that I had almost been selected for the 'Student of the Year Award', but now due to this cheap act of mine, I would have to forego it! I couldn't believe my ears. I wished it wasn't for real. All i could think of was why did I ever write that without even thinking once!

That was the last I ever wrote on behalf of anyone else, infact I wrote nothing which wasn't for my own use. I just couldn't bear that shock. One mistake had spoilt almost three years of my good reputation in college.

1 comment:

kyamaloom said...

Those people were just a bunch of jerks who know nothing about "Kre8ivity". Chuck 'em.

An award missed can never bring down your inner qualities. Make someone's day special, thats the BEST award you could ever get! :)