Sunday, March 16, 2008

Marriage - The best gamble of life! Play to Win...

"Marriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining chapters in prose" said Beverley Nichols. How true is that?!?!?!?!?

The thought of marriage itself gives creeps, yet it gives a sort of comfort especially to the one who has nothing to lose! For those who really haven't led a good childhood or a peaceful life back home, marriage is something they look forward to, with the hope of having a better life. At the same time, there is the fear of leading the same life as in the past.

There's no bigger gamble in life than Marriage! Whether you marry a person you know or you don't know, it still is a huge gamble! A person can change within a flash of a moment. What if the one you love, doesn't love you anymore? What if his interest in you doesn't last any longer than a gold fish?!? Is it easy to live your entire life with a person who isn't as loyal to you as before? Are you ready for compromises? Are you ready to leave your past behind, and make a beautiful future? Are you ready to sacrifice your personal interests in order to have a peaceful home? Are you willing to take up all the responsibilities of a home-maker? All such questions keep hitting the mind hard, until you have a concrete answer. Once you have positive answers to these questions, marriage may seem a bit easier.

Someone rightly proclaimed "An object in possession seldom retains the same charm that it had in pursuit." So it is important to keep that interest everlasting. Success in marriage is not finding the right mate, it is instead being the right mate. Sharing the same wavelength with your partner is the most important ingredient for success. More than love or anything else, it is the understanding that counts. If the two fail to understand and support each other, love fades out eventually. But when you respect one another's feelings, love seems to grow even more.

Marriage could be Arranged or a result of True Love. Love Marriage is where two people find their soul-mates themselves and are ready to get united. Arranged Marriage is where after being pronounced man and wife, you learn to love and respect each other. Actually speaking, there's not much of a difference. Some people might say it's better to know a person before you marry him/her. But it's a known fact that change is inevitable. Everyone changes in some way or the other, from time to time. It's just important that the change is for the better. Yes if you dont know the person you're married to, and he turns out to be a bitter person, it gets real tough. But love can change anything in this world. You only need patience and courage to get through tough situations. 'Love unconditionally' is all that it takes to make a happy marriage.

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person" said Mignon McLaughlin. This is one of the best quotes I've ever heard. So simple and true.

I believe Marriage is essential and a lovely institution created on earth, inspite of all the negativities we get to see/hear these days.

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