Friday, March 7, 2008

What I need is what I got!!

Some said dumb, some useless, while others said good-for-nothing or plain incapable. Boy! Didn't i believe that!

I was living, but living how? The thought of never being able to stand on my own feet, and that I needed some kind of a support to hold me up, almost shattered me. The fear of loneliness, abandonment and all that goes with it wasn't enough, that I had to even fear my means of livelihood. What if one day I have no one? What if one day I am responsible for someone's bread and butter? Could I do it? Am i capable of taking up such responsibilities? Can I be the one to support someone some day? Can i earn a single penny even?

That's when March 6, 2008 came in and brought me some hope. Hope, which turned into encouragement. I got my first pay ever, for something I did which seemed to be a minor thing to most people. But I do believe in 'something is better than nothing'. That work could mean nothing to a few people, that pay close to nothing. But it's the sense of accomplishment that has now got me geared up to achieve even more.

I am thankful to all those people involved in making me realise what I'm worthy of. If it weren't for them, I would have still been living in a world of fear. I needed some sort of a boost, and I got just that! I'm now confident of pulling through ages to come.

1 comment:

kyamaloom said...

You see what you WANT to see. You feel what you WANT to feel. And thats reason for all such fear all these times. "Think" about it.

Moreover, having lost faith in yourself or compromising with your dreams and under-estimating your inner strength lets you feel so.

Remember, afterall we all are the same. Its just our inner self which lets us make the difference. :)

Happy writing! This will surely aid. ;)