Friday, March 7, 2008

Lost and Found!

I was looking forward to meeting a few people who became close to my heart, who shared similar interests as mine, and whom i could confide in. The day came soon. I was there, looking at them in amazement, wondering whether I really made it or was I dreaming!

Being the only girl, I did feel odd at times. But since we all were good friends by then, it made things easier for me. We did have a blast together. Yeah they found me lost in some other world occasionally, when i was either cherishing old memories or when i was merely looking at the clock ticking. Anyway, everything went on smoothly, until a few words did us apart. Bound by expectations from all sides, I had to make a compromise, which was misunderstood. Sorting that out didn't take too much time, though the whole thing was quite hard on all of us. Trying to be normal again, things turned out for the worse. A bigger misunderstanding occurred, which left us all shattered. We all had our own set of grudges and grievances. Little did we think from the other's perspective. It all seemed to be over.

Back at my place, a few days passed by and I realised what went wrong. I took the initiative to bring us all back together, just like good old times. Be it an apology or 'Gandhigiri', emotional blackmail or pure begging, I tried my hand at everything. It took a short while to convince a few, while it took ages to make others realise it wasn't worth losing everything we had! Thanks to the people who helped me with this.

Now the most important thing here is I don't regret going there at all. It was a great experience overall to meet some dear ones, and a special mention to the person who made it there for me to make my special day worth alot more. I do regret committing a few mistakes, but then they happened unintentionally. This whole trip has taught me many things which I can take care of in future, in order to avoid losing close ones!

I am grateful to everyone for giving me another chance to be a good friend and try in my own little way to keep them happy.

Just a little thought that appeared in my mind now:
What is life without friends? A film without a crew! What could the actors do without people to show them the way?!

1 comment:

kyamaloom said...

Remember, Life is always as good as the friends you make! Everyone will leave, but never will they. No one would understand but they'll always. The only relation which stays till end of your life.

Just treasure them!